Certification Belarus
Imports of goods to Belarus

or into the customs union only with the EAC declaration TR - of the customs union (declaration TR TS (ZU)) or EAC certificate TR - of the customs union (certificate TR TS (ZU)). This also replaces the approval for commissioning (formerly Gospromnadzor (Belarus)) under certain conditions. The TR TS certificate or declaration is necessary and compulsory for the import and distribution of goods and products in the customs union market. The presence is checked by customs.
With the entry into force of the technical regulations (TR TS) of the Eurasian Economic Union (technical rules of the customs union), the national standards, i.e. Russian (GOST R), Belarusian (GOST B) and Kazakh (GOST K), have been suspended. The rapidly growing economy of Belarus and the associated restructuring of companies as well as the endeavor to create competitive production are paying more and more attention to products of Western European origin, especially from the field of mechanical engineering.
Like any other country, Belarus attaches great importance to consumer protection and production safety. In the Ministry of Civil Protection, the Department for "Supervision of Industrial Safety and Health" (Gospromnadzor) essentially deals with the following tasks: implementation of state supervision, control of the implementation of legal guidelines in the field of industrial safety and the issuing of permits for the use of technical Investments.
The department oversees:
- Objects with chemical, physicochemical and physical processes in which the formation of explosive environments (mixtures of gases, vapors and dust with air and other oxidants) is possible;
- refrigeration systems containing ammonia;
- Chlorine gas systems;
- Objects for the storage of explosive chemical substances within the aforesaid plants metalworking production (steelworks, foundries, rolling mills, pipe production) devices and systems for gas supply;
- Gas, petroleum and petroleum products pipelines;
- underground natural gas storage facilities
- Work in opencast mining, including work that does not serve to extract mineral resources;
- underground and hydrotechnical systems;
- Well drilling;
- geophysical work,
- Extraction of solid, liquid and gaseous mineral resources, including extraction of water from wells with a depth of more than 20 meters
- Reservoir protection and their rational use during the extraction of mineral resources, including underground drinking water;
- Activities that do not serve the extraction of mineral resources, including underground railway construction and the construction of tunnels for various purposes.
Steam and hot water boilers; - pressurized vessels;
- Steam and hot water pipelines
- Transport of dangerous goods by train, road, air and inland waterway
- surveying supply during the search, exploration and development of the deposits of mineral resources;
- Use of the earth's interior for purposes that do not serve the extraction of mineral resources, including underground railway construction and the construction of tunnels for various purposes
- Production in objects for the recycling of ammunition industrial explosive substances and pyrotechnic products, their elaboration, manufacture, processing, use and recovery, as well as explosive substances obtained from the recycling of ammunition
- Project planning (construction), manufacture and operation of technical systems for use in potentially dangerous objects Course in the construction of potentially dangerous objects
This means that the production supplied to the industrial areas listed above is subject to registration and approval for use and design in accordance with the applicable norms of the Republic of Berarus in the field of industrial safety. Registration and issuing of permits is carried out by the Department of "Supervision of Occupational Safety in Industry" (Gospromnadzor) of the Ministry of Civil Protection of the Republic of Belarus.
The company GuS Expert has many years of experience in working with Gospromnadzor. Direct contacts and contracts allow us to carry out work quickly and transparently in order to obtain permits in the field of industrial safety. As a reliable partner of Gospromnadzor, we can pass on the resulting advantages and the know-how we have acquired to our customers in Western Europe and North America. From theory to practice. After the expert opinion of the preliminary technical documentation carried out by us and in agreement with the experts of the Gospromnadzor, the scope of production is determined, which is subject to registration and requires approval.
On this basis, an application for registration and approval is submitted (the text is bilingual - we will prepare it). Gospromnadzor will determine experts who will visit your company depending on the area of application of the systems (usually 2 experts for a period of 2 to 5 days). Within a short time after the inspection of the production and / or the facilities and on the basis of the decision of the industrial safety experts, the head of the Gospromnadzor issues a permit valid for 3 years.